
Smudging After the End of a Relationship

how to release a past relationship

I receive a lot of questions about how to perform smudging ceremonies using sage to remove negative energy than I can shake a stick at. One of my more frequent requests is from people seeking information on smudging after the end of a relationship. The emails range in flavor from "help, my ex is harassing me," "How do I release an Energy Vampire,"  "Help me stop thinking about my Ex," to the general questions like, "How can I release a past relationship and move forward."scdmudge after my exboyfriend and I break up, sage stick blessing, sage a home, cleansing a room with sage, smudging kits, smudging sprays, using smudge sticks, removing negative energy from my home.
First let me start by saying that it happens; relationships begin and relationships end as people move in and out of our lives. This IS part of the natural course as we continue to evolve, grow and move forward. It doesn't necessarily mean that either party did something wrong.  Perhaps at first they seemed like Mr. or Ms. Right. You spent time together and it was amazing. You shared times that helped both of you grow. But as you grew, somehow they turned out to be Mr. or Ms. Wrong. Why?

I have this interesting theory that we interact with certain people for a reason and that each experience is a gift for both of us, regardless of the outcome.  Once you realize that and know that the tango you danced as part of that soul connection may not last forever, you can get to a better place in your heart.  

This holds true not just for romantic relationships, but spans every connection between people. It's all energy and it is true that the energy associated with that person may still be lingering in your space or around your energetic field.  

There are many times when you want to clear and cleanse the energy of that person in your space after, for example, a break up.

Smudging is always a good way to freshen up your space.

Smudging cleanses the energy in the locations and energetic fields of persons, ridding them of residual vibrational frequencies and energetic imprints. I think it’s important to emphasize that energy is just emotion in motion and when you have had an energetic attachment to someone, that energy between you may linger, even after you’re no longer togetherHow to Smudge video, How do I smudge my home. When to Smudge. removing evil spirits from my house, Prayers to say when smudging sage what is smudging, prayer for new home cleansing
Links for you
A good Rose Oil  
My book, Smudging for Beginners,  available on Amazon.

So, are you interested in cleansing your space and raising your vibration? Or are you looking to rid your location of the crummy energy tied to your ex-partner who you can't get out of your head? 

Either way, this book can assist as LeeZa Donatella helps readers understand the basics as well as tricks of the trade when it comes to smudging their space, person or objects in her book, Smudging for Beginners. 

All My Books  available on Amazon 

Here are some links to items I enjoy, that you may find useful 
Berkey Water Filter  The only filter I've found that removes fluoride from drinking water. We filter fluoride from our drinking water to decalcify our pineal gland to connect to increase our spiritual awareness. (article on the Pineal Gland)
Spiritual Guide Incense I love this incense that gets me into the zone. 
Other authors books that have helped me on my journey.
The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz
The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield
The Essential Rumi  by Jalal al-Din Rumi

Leeza Donatella is an author, speaker and teacher

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