
Is it Safe to Smudge Around Children?

How to Smudge, smudging videos, How do I smudge my home. When to Smudge. Prayers to say when smudging sage what is smudging, prayer for new home cleansing, how to smudge a house, smudging instructions, smudging books, smudging materials, smudging tools, smudging prayers, smudgsticks, how to use a smudgestick, how to put out a smudgestick

The history of smudgingHow to Smudge, smudging videos, How do I smudge my home. When to Smudge. Prayers to say when smudging sage what is smudging, prayer for new home cleansing, how to smudge a house, smudging instructions, smudging books, smudging materials, smudging tools, smudging prayers, smudgsticks, how to use a smudgestick, how to put out a smudgestick

Smudging and Blessings Inspirational Rituals to Cleanse and Heal

I've received several emails about the safety of burning sage around children and smudging a small infant with sage so I thought it was a good idea to add this article
 for anyone else who may have the same question.

Here are a couple of excerpts from the book, SMUDGING FOR BEGINNERS by LeeZa Donatella 

"Some people are sensitive to the smoke from herbs. Take care when smudging around infants and small children who have delicate respiratory systems..... Always follow the direction of your doctor........"

"Times When You Can’t Burn Materials Using oils and sage in my practice, there have been occasions where I’m unable to burn sage as part of a cleansing ceremony. This is when I rely on the use of oils and sprays in my tool kit. I always have a Smudging Spritz or Smudging Spray in my smudging toolkit, in case I need to smudge without flame."

So, are you interested in cleansing your space and raising your vibration? Or are you looking to rid your location of the crummy energy tied to your ex-partner who you can't get out of your head? 

Either way, this book can assist as LeeZa Donatella helps readers understand the basics as well as tricks of the trade when it comes to smudging their space, person or objects in her book, Smudging for Beginners. 

All My Books  available on Amazon 

Here are some links to items I enjoy, that you may find useful 

Links for you
Berkey Water Filter  The only filter I've found that removes fluoride from drinking water. We filter fluoride from our drinking water to decalcify our pineal gland to connect to increase our spiritual awareness. (article on the Pineal Gland)
Spiritual Guide Incense I love this incense that gets me into the zone. 
Other authors books that have helped me on my journey.
The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz
The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield
The Essential Rumi  by Jalal al-Din Rumi

Leeza Donatella is an author, speaker and teacher


How to Smudge, smudging videos, How do I smudge my home. When to Smudge. Prayers to say when smudging sage what is smudging, prayer for new home cleansing, how to smudge a house, smudging instructions, smudging books, smudging materials, smudging tools, smudging prayers, smudgsticks, how to use a smudgestick, how to put out a smudgestick

The history of smudgingHow to Smudge, smudging videos, How do I smudge my home. When to Smudge. Prayers to say when smudging sage what is smudging, prayer for new home cleansing, how to smudge a house, smudging instructions, smudging books, smudging materials, smudging tools, smudging prayers, smudgsticks, how to use a smudgestick, how to put out a smudgestick

Smudging and Blessings Inspirational Rituals to Cleanse and Heal

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